Monday, February 28, 2011

daily image febuary 28th

i see a man laying or picking up sections of a big mirror that reflects everything i see brown white and black the shapes i see are squares rectangles and that's it imaginative,riveting,explosive and memorizing to me this photo means that there is another world under us or that we are reflections of our self this image uses simplicity by putting the man in the focus on as the point of interest

Thursday, February 24, 2011

adding variety

1.a technique i used was using different focal lengths with one of my photos of a tree and a girl in the back ground while the tree was in foucus she showed out in the photo

2.i haven't tried shooting with different formats and continuous exposure mode

3.i will try shooting with different format should move around your subject to get new angles and something might happen you might get the good photo you wanted and it can make a great series

5.its a good idea to yous continues shots because you can get people in them self when there not posing and also its a cool way to get a lot of pictures quickly

6.the last tip that help me become a better photographer is experimenting with different modes in the camera

photo planing

1.a snap happy photographer is basically a person with a camera who thinks he or she is taking good photos and they actually get a good one but not on purpose

2-a over planer is a person who plans for a pic before hand they think bought all variability just to get that one good shot

3-i think i am none above the above because if im somewhere i want a pic im not going to be really snap happy because i know i need a good pic but then i wont be a over planner because sometimes to me you just have to go with the natural flow don't worry a bought stuff just do it

4.the 2 questions i would use to plan a better photo is is my subject moving and whats going on in the back ground

5.taking to much time can kill a creative photo because things are constantly changing and no moments are the same is important because you need to know and think abought what your doing it and u need to ask questions that will better your photo

daily image feb 24

i see a girl laying down on the beach she looks relaxed i see mostly wiggly lines and i don't realy see any shapes i can make out but the colors i see are blue white cream sandy and black amzing mesmerizing stunning unbelievable collective i think the meaning of this photo is that the girl feel like she is on the clouds in a nice place or she can be dead i don't know this image uses the rule of composition by placing the woman in the money shot and some portions of the cloud also

Thursday, February 17, 2011

daily image feb 17

i see a woman that has a coffee mug and there is spilled coffee that make the shape of the 7 contents with a bit cookie and a news paper and pen i see brown white red and black i see straight lines and i partial circle extra,subliminal tremendous weird and cool i really don't know what this photo means so i really can interrupt thee photo but what ever it is its a nice picture

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

depth of field

1. depth of field is the size of the aperture in a photo
2.the difference in a large depth of field is a less blurry picture with a lot in focus a small depth of field is a little in focus with a lot of blur photos show a small depth of field because a lil is in focus while the rest of the picture is blurry

daily image febuary 14th

i see a man walking in a field with a road a lake tree and a forest he is taking the making a path the colors i see are green blue white grey brown and black i see curved lines and straight inspiring restored breath taking harmony and altering i think the meaning of this photo is to say that you can make a new road or path for others or that you can be paving the way for people this photo use the rule of thirds by placing the man in the lower portion of the money shot

Friday, February 11, 2011

1-image of small depth of field

2-i small depth of field is small aperture in the camera setting when the picture is taken small part will be non blurred while the other stuff wont be in focus

3 image of large depth of field

4-a large depth of field is when the aperture is a high number more will be in focus in the picture

5-exposure is how much light will be in your photo

6-emphasis an line like a horizon in the picture

7 -to change the depth of field you would need to go to the settings and change the f stops bye rotating the dial to your desired number

Daily image feb11th

i see a man in some type of trouble he looks like he is in a office getting some type of bad news i see glasses papers a hat people a door and a chair
i see grey black and white turmoil,disappointment,trouble,bitter and heartbreaking these are the words i would use to describe the photo i think this photos means that the man is getting bad news and he looks like a working person so the bad news is probably bought money or loss of insurance and the papers in the room are probably documents stating why and what he can do the hand on the head is usually a bad sign this photo uses the money shot as the rule of thirds by placing the manes hand and head in the money shot

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

daily image feb 9th

i see a group of children with some other people in the background and what looks like a mentor of some sort the kids are raising there hands i see white,red,green,blue,black,brown and yellow the shapes i see are straight lines boxes rectangles i see some curved lines and bought a quarter of a circle joyful exciting spontaneous heart warming lovely i think this photo is a picture of some type of organization that help children ,gives them a chance in life this picture uses the rule of thirds by placing the man in the money shot and some of the kids in other parts where money shots are located

Monday, February 7, 2011

i see some children playing under a bridge and it looks like they are recreating or dramatizing a battle with jesters of holding guns and behind covers the living conditions doesn't look to well
i see blue, grey, brown, green ,white and red
atroucious,memorable,altering,deteriorating and embarrassed these are the words that relate to this image i think the meaning is that what children see influence them even in there special child hood moments and they don't even know and it happens so much that it doesn't scare them anymore
this image use the rule of thirds bye placing the children in the money shot

Thursday, February 3, 2011

daily image feb 3

i see a young girl picking vegetables in what can be a garden and putting them in a basket i see green,brown,red,yellow and blue i see a oval straight lines curved lines and bent lines shape dont think this picture is boring, plain, dull, empty and ordinary i don't know if this photo has a meaning i think its just there just a picture to be busy or if you want to get spiritual it probley means someones watching over her this image yous the rule of thirds bye placing the basket in the money shot